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Working with source control

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Writing code without git or some other source control system should sound scary. We must have a way to go back in time and see how our codebase used to look.

With Drakon.Tech, we can download a backup copy of our project to the disc and add the copy to a source control system. Then, we can restore the backup.

How to commit the project in its current state to source control

  1. Right-click on the project in the tree view, then choose Save to file.
  2. The browser will download a zip file.
  3. Add and commit this zip file to your source control.
How to save a project to file

Drakon.Tech saves all modules in the selected project to the backup file.

How to restore a project committed to source control in the past

  1. Download a backup copy of the project from the source control. Choose the revision you need.
  2. Right-click on the project in the tree view, then click Load from file.
  3. Choose the zip file with the backup copy previously taken from the source control.
How to load a project from file

Note that Drakon.Tech will overwrite all content in the project when loading a backup.

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